Get Paid to Read (PTR) or Paid Email sites allow you to earn money online by reading paid emails. You login to the websites you register with and read emails on their site and then move on to the next paid email to get credit. You get from 5 paid emails to 60 emails a day depending on the site.
It takes a little time to understand how PTR sites work and how you can benefit and earn. Sign up and browse these sites to identify which ads you need to click and which ones to read to earn. There are some Ads/emails which give you points only and others earn you cash. It will take a little time to understand but you will get there.
$2 payout for free members via paypal, e-gold and check. This site has been in operation since May 2004 so is a reliable website. $0.10 minimum autopay if you use paypal. No 1/4 cent emails ever Emails 0.4c, 0.5c, 0.6c, 0.7c. International members welcome. 4 levels of commission, Level 1 - 5%, Level 2 - 3%, Level 3 - 1%, Level 4 - 1%. In addition to paid emails, they also have paid to click and paid for offers sites. When trying paid to click (PTC) make sure not to click banners that say "Do not click here" or something similar. Those banners or links are placed there as a method to beat cheating.
Available to: International
ClicksMania Site in business since Sep 2005. Get paid to read, click, sign up and promote ($0.65 per 1000 credits for free members, $0.85 for upgraded members). Welcome all International members. You would get lots of paid emails from this site so be active to increase your earnings. Upgraded membership option (which gives you more earnings and credits , see site for details). Refer others and get paid. Paid to Click (PTC) contests. Convert points to cash or redeem for advertising your own site. $3 minimum payout by Paypal or e-gold. Referral level: 1 at 10%, must be 25% as active as downline and login every 30 days.
Available to: International
$1.00 just for Signing up, Paid to read eMail, paid to click, and more. Paid from your active referrals. Referral GiveAways. Lots of contests to win ads, referrals, and money. Cashout at $10.00. Points converted to cash - 1 point = 1/2 cent. Welcome all international English fluent members over 16. Operational site for 2+ years
Available to: International
Free Membership.Get Paid for Receiving, Reading and Visiting the Sites of the Greatest Interest to You. Now you can Cash out every 30 days no minimum. International English Reading Members Welcome. Receive eMail on the best products and opportunities. Receive eMail only to email address No Inbox allowed. 1 Referal level @ a great 50%
Available to: International
EarnbyMails Free Membership. Get Paid for Receiving, Reading and Visiting the Sites of the Greatest Interest to You. Site operational since Dec 2004 (2+ years online). Refer Others and Get Paid. All Welcome. No point Emails if not requested. We noticed that although they send lots of paid emails but they are of low value, most in the range $0.001-$0.005 or so hence getting to payout was a little difficult. However there is no minimum payout limit so even if you accumulate $0.01 you can cashout. Now with PTP, $0.70CPM (variable rate). 0% activity requirement to earn from your downline. Payout Via e-gold, Paypal and Moneybookers. Accounts get deleted after 60 or more days of inactivity. Earn 15% from your referrals, 1 level.
Available to: International
NoMinimum New Paid to Promote $0.65 per 1,000 Credits. Paid to Read e-mails. Paid to Click. Get Paid To Signup. No Minimum Payout on
e-gold. Paid emails are usually of low value so a lot of email reading required to get to the pay level. Use the ManualSurf for more traffic. Low Payout for Paypal,
Alertpay (1.00 $). Play in our bubble game. 6 Referral levels: 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 1%.
Available to: International
PayingEmails4U Low $3.00 Payout - No minimum for Upgraded Members. 2+ years in operation. PTP For Upgraded Members! Earn up to $0.75 per 1000 Credits. HUGE Pay-to-Click Section. Activity Bonuses. Welcome English Readers. ALL Sign Ups from Poland, Lithuania and Vietnam may redeem earnings for Adsonly. Do not accept members from China or India. Inactive Free Members deleted after 30 days, and inactive Upgraded Members deleted after 40 days. Our experience is that we usually get many emails from this site but most are very low paying. Payouts via PayPal,
e-gold. Referral Level: 1 at 20%
Available to: International (except China and India)
DonkeyMails FREE Membership, Earn extra money playing games. Earn Reading Our eMails
Get Paid for Clicking on ads, Get Paid for sign-ups, complete tasks with the toolbar and earn money. High Rewarding USA/Search Country Signup Offers. Get Paid To Promote $0.75 per 1,000 Credits. Our experience: They usually send many emails, so be ready to get hundreds of emails, sometimes they promote and ask you sign up for offers which you were not really looking for, afterall this is a PTR site so you should only be reading messages/sites/emails and get paid for it, so make sure to keep a separate email account. Some emails are reasonably paid while a number of them would only earn you credit rather than cash, so keep a watch what the Paid Ad says in your message/email so you know you would be getting cash or credit only for the paid emails. No minimum E-gold Payout. Low $1 payouts via PayPal,
e-gold. 5 Referral levels: Level 1 - 5%. Level 2 - 4%, Level 3 - 3%, Level 4 - 2%, Level 5 - 1%. 10% activity required for Referral earnings
Available to: International
Free membership. Site in business since 2003. Get paid to read, click, sign up. Welcome all International members except from China. Twice a month random payouts starting at 50 cents and higher. Emails worth 1/4 cents or more. Points reedemable for advertising or cash. New Lower $4.00 Dollar Payout. Referral: 1 at 15%. Must login every 14 days and click an email to remain active..
Available to: International (excluding China)
Free to Join. Earn by Reading eMail & Clicking Ads. Site in business since 2003. All English speaking members welcome. Upgrades available at $5.50. Support forum. Contests ever month... win cash. Minimum payout at $2. Payouts via PayPal, E-gold, AlertPay, & Moneybookers. Referral: 1 at 18%. Earn 1 Cent with each direct referal. Must login every 30 days and be 25% active to earn.
Available to: International
Sister site of WorldbestEmail. Site active 2+ years. Get paid for Reading, Reviewing, Offers etc. PTP approved at most sites. Fast Payouts ~ Random Payouts. Low $1 Payout
Point/Cash Conversions. Payouts via PayPal, E-gold, AlertPay, & Moneybookers. Referral: 1 at 18%.
Available to: International